On the right, two excellent frontispieces (or inside front covers) that John did for issues 2 & 4 of School for Submission - and on the left, three nice character sketches, which must have been done very early on in the project's gestation, by Paul Naring, our esteemed
and Sabina, Mistress of Escapes artist!

Eros made a frontispiece for the first issue out of the main panel of page 14 (see our main #1 page's rollover art sample), and did a similar job in #3 using a panel from that issue's page 18.  Talk about top value - only two issues had even one single internal advertisement (the inside back cover), with one issue having 22 pages of comics, and the other three 23 pages each - and every issue had a tie-in text piece, continuing and, I hope, enhancing the main story...