Well, the "BTW" blog has now vanished - I had an email from the BTW CEO saying that he needed to delete the blog and permanently kill the email address associated with it. More news if I hear anything further.
If you liked the "Sabrina" strip that the blog published the first couple of pages of, then you can find the original on the official Brian Tarsis website, which is here - the strip itself starts on this page. My re-scripting changed as little as possible, with the "sister" becoming an emissary from the BTW organisation.
I've posted the re-scripts for the other two serials that the blog had started here, though they are not finished... I was only able to provide dialogue and captions for the pages that our CEO had provided me with.
Well, "better trained wives" was an intriguing idea, though personally I prefer writing about just "girl on girl" adventures. Our CEO was urging me to submit stories to the online fiction sites like Gromet's Plaza and Writings of Leviticus, not to mention Sir Jeff, so I may well get around to that.
Do you reckon that the BTW CEO's wife found out about what he was doing...? Probably not, it's more likely someone objected to him re-using their original arwork and/or photographs. Blog hosting sites can be a bit sensitive, if they get complaints. I've now added a "Guest Book" to this page, in case you want to get in touch with me.

Here's the script for the "Lady Marstone" strip, which, as I'd not seen the later pages, is unfinished. There are two versions of page 5...sometimes it's difficult to know where the story is going to lead, if you don't know the destination!
"The Training of Lady Marstone"
page 01
Vanessa Wood had only met Lord Marstone two months before, but he'd swept her off her feet, and after a whirlwind of a courtship, here they were, leaving the local church as man and wife - Lord and Lady Marstone.
villager 1: "Bravo, your lordship!"
villager 2: "What a glamorous couple they make."
villager 3: "You're a lucky girl, Vanessa!"
page 02
The wedding dress he'd provided had been, well, a little more revealing than she'd cared for, but a girl had to face facts, a man like Lord Marstone wasn't just interested in her mind.
They made a brief appearance at the village hall for the celebration, but everyone was very understanding when they left.
Lord Marstone: "It was a shame to leave before the speeches, but with all that champagne, I don't think our guests minded too much."
Vanessa: "You've been very mysterious about our honeymoon plans, darling."
page 03
The Jaguar purred along the country road; Lord Marstone concentrated on his driving for a while, and Vanessa became more and more frustrated.
Vanessa: "Stanley, my dear, I'm your wife now - please, no more secrets. I've got my passport, and swimwear, but I need to know, where are we going?"
Lord Marstone: "We're spending the night at Marstone Hall, Vanessa - but I'm afraid we don't have time for a honeymoon, there's a lot we need to do."
Vanessa: "?!"
Vanessa: "What do you mean? I know I promised to 'love, honour and obey', which is a bit old-fashioned, but--"
Lord Marstone: "Just relax, my dove, and hold that thought - especially the 'obey' part."
page 04
After an hour, they arrived at the Marstone Estate - but instead of going up the main drive, the car stopped outside a cottage just beyond the gates.
Vanessa: "I thought it would be bigger than this...?"
Lord Marstone: "Oh, this is just the old gamekeeper's lodge - I thought we'd prefer a little privacy tonight, eh?"
Lord Marstone carried his bride over the threshold. The lodge was warm and bright, after the evening rain, and Vanessa started to relax. Things weren't going quite as she'd imagined they would...but she'd bagged herself a handsome lord, that was the main thing.
Vanessa: "We left my suitcase in the car - I've not a thing to wear..."
page 05 (first version)
They kissed; Vanessa felt his hands lifting her skirt, and getting rather intimate with her, more quickly than she'd expected.
Vanessa: "Darling, I'm your wife, not some cheap floozie!"
Lord Marstone: "Really? I thought you were both!"
It was the champagne talking, she told herself - and decided that, for tonight at least, she might as well be both. Stanley was an excellent lover, though keen on getting his own way - and soon the evening reached a mutually satisfying climax.
page 05 version two
They kissed; Vanessa felt his hands lifting her skirt, touching her - but then the hands dropped away.
Vanessa: "What's the matter darling? Why did you stop?"
Lord Marstone: "You're not ready for me yet - you need your BTW training first!"
Lord Marstone left the room, leaving Vanessa alone and puzzled. Training? Was she not beautiful, desirable? She undressed, and went to bed in one room, with her new husband in a different bedroom - not what she had been expecting. She lay awake... what was the "BTW" he had mentioned? It didn't seem to make sense...
page 06
The following morning was bewildering for the new Lady Marstone. She'd thought that him helping her into a schoolgirl uniform was the prelude to some kinky fun, but as soon as they'd had breakfast, she found herself in the back of the Marstone Rolls-Royce with her new husband, being driven into the heart of London.
Vanessa: "I don't understand, darling - why am I dressed like this? Where are we going?"
Lord Marstone: "Vanessa, there is more to being my wife, the wife of a peer of the realm, than smiling and arranging flowers - I've enrolled you in a special finishing school, and that is their school uniform, to instill the right attitude in the wives they train."
page 07
The car rolled to a halt, and Vanessa's door was opened. "Number one, Deltic Court", her husband said, before the door slammed shut. "Don't be late!" So there she was in the middle of London, in a ridiculously short skirt, feeling a sudden breeze...
Vanessa (thinks): "Oh well, I've come too far to back out, but I'd have thought he'd at least have taken me to the door!"
page 08
Luckily there was a sign pointing the way to her destination, and Vanessa hurried to the doorway, eager to get out of the wind.
Hargreaves: "You must be the new trainee from Lord Marstone - you're late, girl!"
Damor: "Send her in, Hargreaves!"
Vanessa truly felt like a schoolgirl again as the woman she assumed to be the headmistress looked at her calculatingly, without saying a word.
page 09
Vanessa: "I'm sorry if I'm late, ma'am."
Damor: "I am Mistress Damor - you will call me Mistress."
Damor: "Among the pre-wedding papers you signed was a consent to be trained by the Better Trained Wives organization - and that's why you are here."
Vanessa: "But I only just got married... Stanley never said he was unhappy with me, or anything, I don't understand,."
Damor: "You don't need to understand - just to obey!"
page 10
Damor: "Your training, as an obedient pet for your husband, starts now - take off your panties!"
Damor: "You look a proper little tart - you just married Marstone for his money, didn't you?"
Vanessa: "No - he's dashing, and handsome, and clever..."
Damor: "And a lord, and rich - but he's nobody's fool, girl!"
Vanessa: "Please... is there a new uniform for me?"
Damor: "Not just yet..."
page 11
Damor: "You're cheeky aren't you, demanding more clothes - bend over my desk now!"
Vanessa: "I'm sorry... I just feel so exposed."
Damor: "You are here to be trained, Vanessa - and this is your first lesson!"
page 12
Damor: "Come in!"
Damor: "I'm just laying out how we work here to Lady Marstone."
Damor: "I do hope she's a quick learner."
Damor: "Stay still, girl - Hargreaves will be putting the tray on your back, and I'd hate anything to get spilt."
Damor: "Ah, excellent - a nice cup of tea is just what I need."
page 13
new caption: Later that day, after a rather lengthy train journey.
Vanessa: "I - I'm Vanessa Marstone, I was told to come here."
Intercom: "Walk up the drive, Lady Marstone."
* suggest an arrow vertically to show that the bottom panel comes next.
Damor: "At least you were on time, Vanessa."
Vanessa: "What is this place, Mistress?"
Damor: "The 'Better Trained Wives' northern training centre."
Mistress Damor led Vanessa up the drive, though they didn't go into the main house, but headed for a field at the side.
Damor: "This is where young gold-digger wives are sent, to learn to fully serve their husbands."
Vanessa: "I...see..."
Damor: "I hope you are still dressed as required, under that coat!"
Vanessa (thinks): "If she dresses like that, what do I wear?"
page 14
Damor: "Come on, get out of that coat, Nessie!"
Vanessa: "I did buy this pair of panties..."
Damor: "If you were meant to wear panties, we'd have given you a pair. You still don't get it, do you?"
Damor: "You will not wear panties, or anything that decreases your sexual availability, without permission."
Vanessa: "I guess I have no choice, do I? That hurt."
Damor: "It was meant to - now get out of that raincoat, and get down on all fours!"
page 15
Damor: "At least you're still wearing the rest of your costume."
Damor: "Now, down on your elbows, and crawl forward."
Vanessa: "Mistress, how does this make me a better wife? I still don't understand."
Damor: "Oh, you will understand - given time."
page 16
Damor: "You are a sexual plaything, Nessie - so let's get ready to play."
Albert: "Another new young blushing bride, is it?"
Albert: "If you're made her crawl all the way here, she must be a bit hot, but we'll soon cool her down. This won't be the last hose she'll get intimately acquainted with."
Albert: "Keep still, my pet - that feels nice, eh?"
page 17
Albert: "A fine piece of girl-flesh, Mistress Damor. Her husband has chosen well, once she's broken in she'll be quite something."
Damor: "And it's our job to break her in."
Damor: "Now you're my pony girl, and I fancy going for a ride - so, gee-up!"
Reined in and harnessed, Vanessa crawled back out into the field, this time with Mistress Damor on her back. Vanessa saw the sharp-looking spurs her rider wore, and concentrated on behaving... though Damor's weight made things difficult."
page 18
Damor: "Your training won't all be light-hearted exercises out in the fresh air, Nessie, so enjoy this while you can. There's plenty more training ahead for you, and I'm your trainer, so don't make me look bad, ever - and keep moving!"
page 19
Later, Vanessa was unharnessed, and Hargreaves led her down to her trainer again.
Damor: "That took a while, Hargreaves - did she give you any trouble?"
Hargreaves: "Not really, Mistress Damor. She had to shower, choose some clothes from what we'd provided... and, well, you ladies always take time over make-up, in my experience."
Vanessa: "Sorry, Mistress."
Hargreaves: "She certainly has a cute butt, see how it quivers!"

And here's the script, again unfinished, for the other serial - starting with the descriptive paragraph Tristan, our BTW CEO, provided:
It starts with the blonde woman (the wife) trying to negotiate a divorce with the grey haired guy (the husband) who refuses. She then discusses with her lawyer, who tells her it will be difficult. Later, while she is relaxing in her bath, the bell rings. It's her husband with a BTW recovery team. He has enlisted her for a very strict training.
Page 4 starts a couple of months later. She had been trained, and the local head of BTW comes to check her status, then goes to the husband's house to get the papers signed.
He is welcomed by a woman who, in my view, should be very close to the wife (her best friend? or maybe even a relative). She is now dating the husband, and is very happy that the wife will be returned soon. She signs the paper. The next day, she bring the wife home. A lot will happen in the future...Her time at the office will be interesting. And the occasion to introduce a new character, Warren's secretary ^^
page 01
Elyssa: "Warren, it's no use arguing - our marriage is a failure, and I want a divorce!"
Warren 1: "But why should I let you go, my dear? I'd much rather keep you, after all think how much I've invested..."
Elyssa: "It's all prestige and dollars to you, isn't it? Coming in half-drunk at midnight and pawing me around - I'm sick of it!"
Warren 2: "But I have to be half-drunk for that, Elyssa!"
Elyssa: "You rotten beast, you think I haven't smelled the cheap perfume, seen the lipstick on your collar? I want my freedom!"
Warren: "Tell you what, you suck me off and I'll think about it - it's your wifely duty, after all..."
Warren: "Headache again, is it? There's more to sex than lying back and closing your eyes, you know."
Elyssa: "You're gross, Warren - and I never want you to touch me again!"
page 02
Lawyer: "As your lawyer, I must say that we're on shaky ground here - the pre-nuptual agreement you signed, well, it's pretty much watertight, your husband wouldn't have to give you a cent."
Elyssa: "He seemed so different then..."
Elyssa: "Hello - what? Warren's had my auto repossessed?"
Elyssa: "That fat pig - if that's how he wants to play it, I know a few of his precious business secrets!"
Lawyer: "Mrs Pohl, we're not finished here!"
Elyssa: "Oh yes we are!"
Elyssa (thought): "Damn Warren and his business, his infidelities, his drinking, and that gross cock - yuck..."
Elyssa (thought): "That's all I need - who could it be?"
page 03
Elyssa: "What is it now, Warren - you want to wave your big floppy manhood at me again?"
Warren: "You wanted your freedom and a divorce - well, a judge I know has signed some papers, and you're heading for quite the opposite, my girl!"
Elyssa: "You can't be serious - you brought a SWAT team just to serve me some legal nonsense?"
Team Leader: "We represent a remedial behavior facility - and you're committed into our care, Mrs Pohl."
Team Leader: "Violence will not be allowed, Mrs Pohl!"
Elyssa: "You fucking rat, you're having me sent to the loony bin!"
Elyssa: "Aaagh..."
Team Member: "Ha, 'the loony bin' - she'll wish it was!"
Team Leader: "Come on, get her secured, she's a feisty one."
page 04
Elyssa: "What are you doing, this is crazy!"
Warren: "Oh, you're the mad one, trying to get away from me - I've set you up for a two-month course at the 'Better Trained Wives' establishment upstate, that will change your attitude - and let me tell you, I've paid for you to get all the trimmings!"
Caption: "Eight weeks later:"
Chief 1: "I'm here to check on Warren Pohl's wife-in-training."
Guard: "Go right in sir, you are expected."
Chief 2: "Another couple of days, and she'll be ready to graduate."
page 05
Chief (thought): "I don't like Pohl, but his money's good."
Chief: "You're the man in charge of Mrs Pohl's training, I take it?"
Gosling: "Yes indeed sir, I think you'll be pleased with all the work we've done here."
Gosling: "Mr Pohl paid for the advanced attention, so we've kept his Elyssa in our most stringent conditions."
Chief: "That's what he paid for - let's hope his wife has developed a whole new approach to marital relations."
Gosling: "There she is - she's been in there two days now, not knowing when she'll next be caned, or whipped."
Chief 1: "Let's hope she has learnt her lesson - these uppity bitches need a good strong dose of reality."
Gosling: "The European branches of BTW aren't as harsh, generally, but heck, we yanks favour a direct approach, yes?"
Chief 2: "Now, as for that caning you mentioned - do you have a cane handy...?"
page 06
Caption 1: "The following morning, at the Pohl mansion just outside the city, a finger presses the doorbell."
Caption 2: "After a few seconds, footsteps can be heard inside - and the door opens."
Susanne: "Hello there - you must be from the 'Better Trained Wives' people, I've been expecting you."
Chief: "And you must be Susanne - I've some papers for you to sign, for tomorrow's...delivery."
Susanne: "That's me - and I'll be ready to give dear Elyssa a nice warm welcome!"
Susanne: "There's my John Hancock - so my old friend will be back tomorrow?"
Susanne: "We went to college together, you know. Won't she be surprised to see me here...she may be Pohl's wife, but I'm his mistress - and hers too, in a rather different way, now!"
page 07
Man: "Delivery for the Pohl household - how'd you want it...?"
Susanne: "Honey, she's home - time for some return on your investment!"
Warren: "Just what we've been waiting for!"
page 08
Susanne: "I've got her unpacked - she's a bit sweaty, I think she needs a dip."
Warren: "Yeah, get her in the pool with me, doll."
Susanne: "You may be home, but life's going to be different for you from now on - you exist only to give your husband and me pleasure."
Susanne: "Take some deep breaths, fucktoy - and get ready to give Warren the best blowjob ever!"
Elyssa (thought): "My god, I'm totally at their mercy - these ropes are so tight..."
page 09
Susanne: "Now, get in the pool, and get ready to suck for your life!"
Elyssa: "Iww wwoooww!"
Elyssa (thought): "I never did like this damn swimming pool - and now I'll drown in it...?"
Elyssa (thought): "And Susanne has shacked up with my husband, the bitch!"
Warren: "Suck me off, and you can breathe again, so get that mouth working!"
Elyssa (thought); "This is a nightmare...and I thought Sue was my friend..."
page 10
Susanne: "How's it going, Warren? D'you reckon she's happy to be home with us?"
Warren: "Damn, this is the best blowjob I've ever had, I don't want it to end."
Susanne: "Just remember she'll be more fun alive than dead - slightly less smelly, too."
Warren: "Yeah, yeah - nearly done, she sure seems anxious to please, down there."
Elyssa (thought): "At least his cock was washed, for a change..."
Susanne: "That's it, take the ring-gag off, let's have a bit more versatility, shall we? I want some fun too."
Elyssa: "Unnnkk..."
Elyssa (thought): "They're both mad, I nearly drowned."
Susanne: "Now your turn to get me off - so try hard, or we'll throw you back!"
page 11
Susanne: "Ahh.. that BTW training was worth it, she knows just what to do..."
Warren: "She'd better."
Warren: "Let's get that gag back into place - but what else should we do to welcome our fucktoy home?"
Susanne: "Come on out of the pool, darling, and bring her with you, I know just what we should do."
Susanne: "You take her from behind, I'll use this strap-on from in front - and, just so she knows we care, it's group hug time!"
page 12
Elyssa (thought): "Christ, he's too big, he'll split me in half..."
Warren: "She loves it, the slut, she's squirming with pleasure!"
Warren: "That's it, push her hard, back against me, she's beautifully tight, though not for much longer!"
Elyssa: "Urr urii eee..."
Susanne: "Take it all the way, you bitch!"
Elyssa (thought): "They're insane, but I'm helpless - serves me right for thinking Susanne was a friend, and not realising just how mad my husband is - owww..."
Susanne: "We're all going to have so much fun, I can tell."
Elyssa (thought): "Things can't get much worse than this."
page 13
Susanne: "Can't you butt-fuck her more quietly, Warren? I'm trying to read the paper here."
Warren: "The money I paid for her training, I'm entitled to make a bit of noise... she sure is a cute piece of ass."
Elyssa: "Ngghhh!"
Warren: "Since Susanne's taken over the bedroom, we had to find a new place for you, dear."
Elyssa (thought): "Oh my god, they're keeping me in a kennel, outside... this is not good."
Susanne: "In you get - watch out for splinters, sweetness."
Elyssa: "Mmmmph!"
page 14
Susanne: "There's a back door to your back door here, so open up those cheeks, for a little reminder of what you mean to us."
Susanne: "Remember how I made that tipsy girl-pass at you one night in college? I sure remember your reaction! But you keep this inside you, don't let it drop out or you will regret it, you hear me?"
Elyssa (thought): "Is that it, I rejected her smooch after that sorority party, and this is her revenge, ten years later? This cannot be happening...but it is."
Elyssa (thought): "We were friends, I thought, we've been shopping together, shared girl-talk gossip - and all the time she was seducing my husband, leading up to this?"
Elyssa (thought): "I guess someone as stupid as me deserves to be chained up in a kennel, naked, gagged and blindfolded, with a plug up my butt... but what comes next?"
page 15
Caption: "But it was soon Monday, and time for Warren to get back to work."
Elyssa (thought): "This is too much - people here know me, and I thought I knew them."
Warren: "Keep crawling, bitch."
Miss Piper: "Good morning, sir - did you have a good weekend?"
Warren: "Very nice, thank you, Miss Piper. As you see, my wife's back from her vacation."
Miss Piper (thought): "I always wondered about her - so she is a kinky slut..."
Elyssa (thought) "Maybe the floor will open up and swallow me? That'd be an improvement..."
page 16
...and that was as far as we got...